Monday, August 6, 2012

FYI: Happy Cows ARE from California

Every time we've seen that "Happy Cows come from California." ad, I skeptically think of Harris Ranch. If you drive the I-5, along your drive you'll see the Harris Ranch cows which look a little like this:

Now I don't really know how happy they can be considering they're scheduled to be eaten, but this ad slogan has always seemed a little ridiculous.

That is, until we drove through Northern California.

Here's a picture of the milk cows near Ferndale; laying around in a big green field in the middle of summer. They look pretty happy.

But if these cows knew how to read, right outside their fence line is a message of impending doom! I guess only the ignorant are ever truly happy.


  1. Well, maybe they should clarify that Happy Cows come from NORTHERN California.

  2. haha we saw those tsunami signs all over too!!! there are kind of a lot of them, so keep safe saaron!
